Adventure awaits: 9 ways to save money for your travel goals

Discover 9 creative ways to save for your travel goals. Budgeting hacks and unconventional strategies for dream adventures on a budget.

Adventure awaits: 9 ways to save money for your travel goals
Adventure awaits: 9 ways to save money for your travel goals
Accrue Savings
Accrue Savings
June 9, 2023
June 12, 2023
Budget Tips

We all have that once-in-a-lifetime, bucket-list trip that we tell ourselves we’ll take, “someday.” 

The bad news is that someday will only happen when you make it happen. The good news is that there have never been more resources and tools to create a travel budget, save money, and put your someday trip on the calendar.

In this article, we’ll break down nine ways to save money for travel so that you can take your next trip sooner — while avoiding credit card debt.

1. Earn perks by using Accrue Savings to save up for your next vacation

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to save for travel. You can create a travel budget, save money, put it in a savings account or other bank account, and hop on a flight as soon as your travel fund has enough money.

With Accrue Savings, you can add an engine to the wheel so that you’re rewarded for your savings and have even more incentives to save money for travel.

Accrue has partnerships with great brands specifically geared to help people save money for travel by providing deals on things like airfare. In fact, right now Accrue Savings is working with CheapOair to reward Accrue members $150 when they meet their saving goals.

2. Plan off-season trips

You can start your getaway even sooner if you plan your trips when your destination is not in peak tourist season.

For example, if you want to run with the bulls in Pamplona then there is only one time you can visit, which means you’ll pay premium prices for airfare and Airbnbs or hotels. Or, if you want to visit Thailand then you may not want to travel there during monsoon season, which means you’ll have to pay competitive costs.

However, if it’s possible to avoid the high tourist season at your destination then you can save a lot of money. Not only will traveling during the off-season leave you with extra money to spend on things like hotel rooms and activity providers, but you’ll also see the breathtaking sights you traveled to enjoy with fewer people there to distract you.

3. Never travel on "borrowed money"

Even when you use services like Accrue Savings, it takes time and discipline to save enough extra cash to book your next trip. As a result, it can be extremely tempting to take a shortcut by booking your trip on a credit card, especially when you see incentives like sign-up bonuses.

The most important (and most difficult) travel tip in this article may be to resist the temptation of using credit cards instead of saving for travel.

There are infinite ways that you can speed up saving money for travel other than racking up credit card debt that could eventually cost you much more than your original trip.

If you have a hard time with the act of saving, then you can set up a direct deposit into a savings account. If you need to save extra money then you can give up small luxuries like Netflix and a gym membership by working out at home instead. It may hurt at first, but those small luxuries will be waiting for you once you get home from your trip!

4. Create a travel budget and follow it as close as possible"

Travel budgets are like a blueprint for how to save money for travel. If you make one and follow it then it will carry you to your destination. If you don’t, then you won’t have everything you need for your getaway.

Making a travel budget can be scary at first since it feels like a big commitment. The good news is that you can always adjust your budget as long as you make the numbers work and then follow through with it. 

For example, if you see a dream hotel that’s out of your budget you can adjust other categories to allocate extra cash for the hotel. That may mean you need to travel on a backpacking budget for a different part of your trip, but you’ll still get to travel and even splurge without building credit card debt.

5. Book activities in advance"

You can still take part in activities while traveling even if you’re on a backpacking budget by booking them well in advance.

Activities like whitewater rafting or food tours require guides. The activity providers need to know how many people to expect on a certain date so they can hire the right amount of guides, buy supplies, and prepare gear if necessary. Accordingly, they’ll reward those who book in advance with discounts and group rates. That means you’ll meet your savings goals even faster without missing out on unforgettable activities.

If you’re a solo traveler, then you may be able to get a discounted rate at the last minute since you can round out other groups. However, that is the exception to the rule, and should not be relied on.

6. Save money for travel by cooking more meals"

When you eat out at restaurants, you’re not only paying for the food on your plate — you’re paying for the food, prepping the food, cooking the food, serving the food, and washing your dishes after you’re gone.

You can avoid most of those costs by simply going to supermarkets on your own and making food at home. You don’t need to give up eating out forever or completely. But eating home-cooked food will give you some extra cash to dedicate to your monthly savings. Once you’ve reached your savings goals, your favorite restaurants will be there to welcome you back with open arms. 

Can’t give up eating out? Eating at home is far from the only way to save money — check out some of our most creative savings tips.

7. Try cutting everyday expenses"

There are likely many everyday expenses you can temporarily cut to create extra money for your savings account. If you already budget, take a look at your largest expenses and come up with ways you can cut some of those costs. 

Your daily Starbucks order is an easy example since coffee can easily be made at home. You can also save money by buying generic brands at the grocery store instead of the more expensive brands you know. 

You don’t need to cut your expenses so much that you’re uncomfortable. However, cutting expenses is like putting more pressure on the accelerator in your car. The more you do it, the faster you’ll reach your destination. 

8. Consider earning extra income"

We know: Adding extra work to your full-time job so you can fill your travel fund sounds stressful. The good news is that thanks to remote work and the gig economy, there has never been a better time to have a side hustle.

There are the ones you can probably think of off the top of your head like driving Uber or Lyft. You can also sell clothes or electronics on secondhand websites so that you’ll clear out extra space at home while adding extra cash to your savings account. There’s also dog-walking, or you can use creative skills to earn money as a blogger or through other freelance roles on sites like Upwork and Fiverr

You can even earn a free place to stay on your trip by signing up to be a pet sitter in someone else's home while you’re traveling. Regardless of how you get it, extra income always makes it easier to save money.

9. Save on transportation costs while traveling by walking"

Airfare and other transportation expenses will already be a major travel cost, so don’t make more to save for when you don’t have to.

Cut out rental cars from your travel budget whenever possible in favor of walking and low-cost public transportation. Many cities popular with tourists are walking-friendly and you can find guides to help you do just that. They also have reliable public transportation systems that may take a moment to figure out, but once you do you’ll be able to get around for a fraction of the cost of a rental car.

If a road trip is part of your dream trip then you can still rent a car, but don’t forget to opt for walking whenever you can. After all, you’ll see more of your destination by walking anyway.

Start saving for your dream vacation with Accrue Savings

No matter where your dream vacation is or for how long you want to be there, there is a path to reaching it. You don’t have to bury yourself in credit card debt, backpack, or eat low-cost meals for months to reach it either.

Build a travel budget, plan your trip using travel tips that save money, cut your expenses temporarily to accelerate your savings, and use Accrue Savings to reward yourself for sticking to it.

The world is waiting for you. Check out how Accrue Savings can help you travel it with partners like CheapOair and Heli today!

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Adventure awaits: 9 ways to save money for your travel goals

July 22, 2024

We all have that once-in-a-lifetime, bucket-list trip that we tell ourselves we’ll take, “someday.” 

The bad news is that someday will only happen when you make it happen. The good news is that there have never been more resources and tools to create a travel budget, save money, and put your someday trip on the calendar.

In this article, we’ll break down nine ways to save money for travel so that you can take your next trip sooner — while avoiding credit card debt.

1. Earn perks by using Accrue Savings to save up for your next vacation

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to save for travel. You can create a travel budget, save money, put it in a savings account or other bank account, and hop on a flight as soon as your travel fund has enough money.

With Accrue Savings, you can add an engine to the wheel so that you’re rewarded for your savings and have even more incentives to save money for travel.

Accrue has partnerships with great brands specifically geared to help people save money for travel by providing deals on things like airfare. In fact, right now Accrue Savings is working with CheapOair to reward Accrue members $150 when they meet their saving goals.

2. Plan off-season trips

You can start your getaway even sooner if you plan your trips when your destination is not in peak tourist season.

For example, if you want to run with the bulls in Pamplona then there is only one time you can visit, which means you’ll pay premium prices for airfare and Airbnbs or hotels. Or, if you want to visit Thailand then you may not want to travel there during monsoon season, which means you’ll have to pay competitive costs.

However, if it’s possible to avoid the high tourist season at your destination then you can save a lot of money. Not only will traveling during the off-season leave you with extra money to spend on things like hotel rooms and activity providers, but you’ll also see the breathtaking sights you traveled to enjoy with fewer people there to distract you.

3. Never travel on "borrowed money"

Even when you use services like Accrue Savings, it takes time and discipline to save enough extra cash to book your next trip. As a result, it can be extremely tempting to take a shortcut by booking your trip on a credit card, especially when you see incentives like sign-up bonuses.

The most important (and most difficult) travel tip in this article may be to resist the temptation of using credit cards instead of saving for travel.

There are infinite ways that you can speed up saving money for travel other than racking up credit card debt that could eventually cost you much more than your original trip.

If you have a hard time with the act of saving, then you can set up a direct deposit into a savings account. If you need to save extra money then you can give up small luxuries like Netflix and a gym membership by working out at home instead. It may hurt at first, but those small luxuries will be waiting for you once you get home from your trip!

4. Create a travel budget and follow it as close as possible"

Travel budgets are like a blueprint for how to save money for travel. If you make one and follow it then it will carry you to your destination. If you don’t, then you won’t have everything you need for your getaway.

Making a travel budget can be scary at first since it feels like a big commitment. The good news is that you can always adjust your budget as long as you make the numbers work and then follow through with it. 

For example, if you see a dream hotel that’s out of your budget you can adjust other categories to allocate extra cash for the hotel. That may mean you need to travel on a backpacking budget for a different part of your trip, but you’ll still get to travel and even splurge without building credit card debt.

5. Book activities in advance"

You can still take part in activities while traveling even if you’re on a backpacking budget by booking them well in advance.

Activities like whitewater rafting or food tours require guides. The activity providers need to know how many people to expect on a certain date so they can hire the right amount of guides, buy supplies, and prepare gear if necessary. Accordingly, they’ll reward those who book in advance with discounts and group rates. That means you’ll meet your savings goals even faster without missing out on unforgettable activities.

If you’re a solo traveler, then you may be able to get a discounted rate at the last minute since you can round out other groups. However, that is the exception to the rule, and should not be relied on.

6. Save money for travel by cooking more meals"

When you eat out at restaurants, you’re not only paying for the food on your plate — you’re paying for the food, prepping the food, cooking the food, serving the food, and washing your dishes after you’re gone.

You can avoid most of those costs by simply going to supermarkets on your own and making food at home. You don’t need to give up eating out forever or completely. But eating home-cooked food will give you some extra cash to dedicate to your monthly savings. Once you’ve reached your savings goals, your favorite restaurants will be there to welcome you back with open arms. 

Can’t give up eating out? Eating at home is far from the only way to save money — check out some of our most creative savings tips.

7. Try cutting everyday expenses"

There are likely many everyday expenses you can temporarily cut to create extra money for your savings account. If you already budget, take a look at your largest expenses and come up with ways you can cut some of those costs. 

Your daily Starbucks order is an easy example since coffee can easily be made at home. You can also save money by buying generic brands at the grocery store instead of the more expensive brands you know. 

You don’t need to cut your expenses so much that you’re uncomfortable. However, cutting expenses is like putting more pressure on the accelerator in your car. The more you do it, the faster you’ll reach your destination. 

8. Consider earning extra income"

We know: Adding extra work to your full-time job so you can fill your travel fund sounds stressful. The good news is that thanks to remote work and the gig economy, there has never been a better time to have a side hustle.

There are the ones you can probably think of off the top of your head like driving Uber or Lyft. You can also sell clothes or electronics on secondhand websites so that you’ll clear out extra space at home while adding extra cash to your savings account. There’s also dog-walking, or you can use creative skills to earn money as a blogger or through other freelance roles on sites like Upwork and Fiverr

You can even earn a free place to stay on your trip by signing up to be a pet sitter in someone else's home while you’re traveling. Regardless of how you get it, extra income always makes it easier to save money.

9. Save on transportation costs while traveling by walking"

Airfare and other transportation expenses will already be a major travel cost, so don’t make more to save for when you don’t have to.

Cut out rental cars from your travel budget whenever possible in favor of walking and low-cost public transportation. Many cities popular with tourists are walking-friendly and you can find guides to help you do just that. They also have reliable public transportation systems that may take a moment to figure out, but once you do you’ll be able to get around for a fraction of the cost of a rental car.

If a road trip is part of your dream trip then you can still rent a car, but don’t forget to opt for walking whenever you can. After all, you’ll see more of your destination by walking anyway.

Start saving for your dream vacation with Accrue Savings

No matter where your dream vacation is or for how long you want to be there, there is a path to reaching it. You don’t have to bury yourself in credit card debt, backpack, or eat low-cost meals for months to reach it either.

Build a travel budget, plan your trip using travel tips that save money, cut your expenses temporarily to accelerate your savings, and use Accrue Savings to reward yourself for sticking to it.

The world is waiting for you. Check out how Accrue Savings can help you travel it with partners like CheapOair and Heli today!